
This website is the product of several gospel study projects that I have been engaged in over the last several years.  The largest one, which takes up most of the content at present, is a project of reading every single General Conference report and archiving my favorite passages from each.  The menus above will lead you pages for all current General Authorities and General Officers of the Church.  Each page will contain links to PDF’s of all General Conference talks given by each, as well as my favorite passages from each talk.  At present, this is still a work in progress.  Once the General Conference talks have all been reviewed and included, a review of other public discourses and publications will be undertaken.

The Prophets, Apostles and Other Leaders menu items likewise lead to pages dedicated to quotations from each individual; and are each a work in progress at present.

I am undertaking a project that I’m calling the Enhanced Topical Guide.  The Church has long published a Topical Guide to the Scriptures.  I intend to expand upon it by gathering additional resources relevant to the topics selected, starting with the words of the leaders of the modern Church bearing on such topics.

This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The content, images, or other materials on this website are not sponsored or not endorsed by the Church or officially represent the Church in any way.

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